May 1 Thu
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/BHHS
- Arts & PE Advisory Committee - TBD 4 PM
May 2 Fri
- Diversity Winner Notified
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/BHHS
May 3 Sat
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 4 Sun
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 5 Mon
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
- Service-Learning Advisory Committee Mtg. - Board Rm. 12 PM
May 6 Tue
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- CAHSEE (English/Language Arts) - 10th (make-ups), 11, 12
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- BV - PTA 9 AM (BV - Cafeteria)
- ER - PTA Mtg. (Library) 9:30 AM
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
- Board of Education Mtg. 7 PM
May 7 Wed
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- CAHSEE (Math) - 10th (make-ups), 11, 12
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
May 8 Thu
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
- Service-Learning Advocate Mtg. - Conf. Rm. B-1 3:45 PM
May 9 Fri
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
- Special Board Meeting 3:30 PM (Board Room)
May 10 Sat
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 11 Sun
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 12 Mon
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
May 13 Tue
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- BHHS PTA Meeting 8:30 AM
- Public Relations Council 8:30 AM
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
May 14 Wed
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
- Superintendent's Advisory Council 3:30 PM
May 15 Thu
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- HM - Extra Lunch Drive
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
- ER - Instrumental Music Concert 7 PM
- ER - Spring Instrumental Concert 7 PM
- HM - Spring Music Concert 7 PM
May 16 Fri
- BHHS - Advanced Placement Testing
- End of 15-week Marking Period/Gr. 6-12
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
- High School Art Show at BH Municipal Gallery 10 AM
- Youth in Government Pre-Orientation & Tour 12:30 PM – 3:15 PM
May 17 Sat
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 18 Sun
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 19 Mon
- Beginning of Final Marking Period/Gr. 6-12
- Classified Employees' Week
- ER - Book Fair through 5/23
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 20 Tue
- Classified Employees' Week
- HAW - PTA Mtg.
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- All District Strings Festival @ BHHS 11:15 AM – 11:45 AM (Beverly Hills High School)
- HM - Bedtime Stories - Library Classroom 6:45 PM
- Board of Education Mtg. 7 PM
- ER - Spring Musical 7 PM
May 21 Wed
- BHHS - Every 15 Minutes
- Classified Employees' Week
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- ER - Spring Musical 7 PM
May 22 Thu
- BHHS - Every 15 Minutes
- Classified Employees' Week
- HAW - Open House
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- HM - PTA Mtg. - Cafeteria 5:30 PM
- BHHS Theatre Arts Recital 6 PM
- ER - Open House & Barbecue 6 PM
- BV - Open House - Dismissal: 1:30 pm 6:30 PM
- HM - Open House 6:30 PM
May 23 Fri
- Classified Employees' Week
- HM - Heritage Festival through 5/25
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 24 Sat
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 25 Sun
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 26 Mon
- Memorial Day - No School
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 27 Tue
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- Parent Conferences/Gr. 1-3 - Dismissal: 1:30 p.m.
- Parent Conferences/Gr. 4-5 - Dismissal: 2:00 p.m.
- Parent Conferences/Gr. 6-8 - Dismissal: 2:30 p.m.
- Parent Conferences/Gr. K - Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
- HM - CST Mtg. - Rm. 123 9 AM
- All District (Gr. 5-8) Track & Field Event @ BHHS 3:45 PM
- BHHS One Act Festival - Salter Theatre 7 PM
May 28 Wed
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
- Youth in Government Day - City Hall
- Citizens’ Oversight Committee Mtg. - Board. Rm. 4 PM
May 29 Thu
- BHEF Apple Ball
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 30 Fri
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
May 31 Sat
- Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade (Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)