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May 2008
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. 1-3 - Dismissal: 1:30 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. 4-5 - Dismissal: 2:00 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. 6-8 - Dismissal: 2:30 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. K - Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Arts & PE Advisory Committee - TBD
4 PM
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Teacher Appreciation Week
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Teacher Appreciation Week
Hawthorne School Events
Board of Education Mtg.
7 PM
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Teacher Appreciation Week
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Teacher Appreciation Week
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Teacher Appreciation Week
Hawthorne School Events
Special Board Meeting
3:30 PM
(Board Room)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Public Relations Council
8:30 AM
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Superintendent's Advisory Council
3:30 PM
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
End of 15-week Marking Period/Gr. 6-12
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
STAR Testing/Gr. 2-8
Hawthorne School Events
Youth in Government Pre-Orientation & Tour
12:30 PM
3:15 PM
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Beginning of Final Marking Period/Gr. 6-12
Hawthorne School Events
Classified Employees' Week
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Classified Employees' Week
Hawthorne School Events
HAW - PTA Mtg.
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
All District Strings Festival @ BHHS
11:15 AM
11:45 AM
(Beverly Hills High School)
Hawthorne School Events
Board of Education Mtg.
7 PM
Hawthorne School Events
Classified Employees' Week
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Classified Employees' Week
Hawthorne School Events
HAW - Open House
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Classified Employees' Week
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Memorial Day - No School
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. 1-3 - Dismissal: 1:30 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. 4-5 - Dismissal: 2:00 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. 6-8 - Dismissal: 2:30 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
Parent Conferences/Gr. K - Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Hawthorne School Events
All District (Gr. 5-8) Track & Field Event @ BHHS
3:45 PM
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Youth in Government Day - City Hall
Hawthorne School Events
Citizens’ Oversight Committee Mtg. - Board. Rm.
4 PM
Hawthorne School Events
BHEF Apple Ball
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events
Ongoing New Student Registration - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
(Registration is for Beverly Hills residents only at our 5 school sites)
Hawthorne School Events