ADDENDUM #1 ADDED - 9-19-2022
Please refer to the attached addendum for information.
The Beverly Hills Unified School District (the “DISTRICT”) desires to commission a reprographics firm (the “VENDOR”) to perform reproduction and document management services for the DISTRICT’s facility improvement program. The DISTRICT encourages responses from reprographics firms who have strong capabilities in the furnishing of web-based reproduction and document storage, retrieval, and delivery in support of architectural and construction documents and drawings.
The Beverly Hills Unified School District (the “DISTRICT”) desires to commission a reprographics firm (the “VENDOR”) to perform reproduction and document management services for the DISTRICT’s facility improvement program. The DISTRICT encourages responses from reprographics firms who have strong capabilities in the furnishing of web-based reproduction and document storage, retrieval, and delivery in support of architectural and construction documents and drawings.
The DISTRICT is currently performing modernization programs at one high school campus and one elementary school campus, remediation of oil wells on the high school campus, and other district-wide renovation and modernization projects at various sites. Design and construction work is anticipated to continue into 2024, although this schedule may ultimately be impacted by the availability of bond funds. In March 2011, the Board of Education approved a contract for reprographic and document management services for a term of three (3) years. This contact was subsequently renewed (per the terms of the original agreement), extending the contract term an additional four (4) years. At the time of this RFP for Reprographic and Document Management Services No. FAC-2022-23-001, there is no agreement in place for these services for the Measure BH and Measure E bond programs.
Through this RFP, the DISTRICT is seeking reprographics and document management services in relation to the Measure BH and Measure E bond fund programs for a contract duration of three (3) years.
Upon the DISTRICT’s official selection of the VENDOR, the DISTRICT will enter into contract negotiations with the VENDOR. The selected VENDOR will become the Reprographics company for the DISTRICT. The VENDOR will be required to prepare and submit a proposal as requested in this RFP for the DISTRICT’s review. Following the DISTRICT’s review, the DISTRICT may, at its sole discretion, issue a Contract for the reprographic services and issue a Contract authorizing the VENDOR to provide reprographic services as described in the Contract. Subject only to the provisions of said contract, the VENDOR shall immediately proceed to provide services in accordance with such Contract and all terms and conditions of said Contract. Furthermore, the VENDOR will coordinate the reprographic services directly with the Construction & Facilities department.
Upon the DISTRICT’s official selection of the VENDOR, the DISTRICT will enter into contract negotiations with the VENDOR. The selected VENDOR will become the Reprographics company for the DISTRICT. The VENDOR will be required to prepare and submit a proposal as requested in this RFP for the DISTRICT’s review. Following the DISTRICT’s review, the DISTRICT may, at its sole discretion, issue a Contract for the reprographic services and issue a Contract authorizing the VENDOR to provide reprographic services as described in the Contract. Subject only to the provisions of said contract, the VENDOR shall immediately proceed to provide services in accordance with such Contract and all terms and conditions of said Contract. Furthermore, the VENDOR will coordinate the reprographic services directly with the Construction & Facilities department.
All requests for clarification or interpretation must be submitted via e-mail to Joy Jacobs, Bond Program Project Coordinator, at [email protected] no later than 2:00 PM on Thursday, September 15, 2022. Any questions received after the 2:00 PM deadline will not be addressed. Questions via telephone will not be accepted.
The DISTRICT prohibits VENDORS from communicating with DISTRICT board members or staff. If a VENDOR communicates with DISTRICT board members or staff, the VENDOR will be disqualified except as noted in the paragraph above.
The DISTRICT shall distribute its responses to requests for clarification or interpretation by posting them on its website at http://www.bhusd.org, or by other reasonable means. The responses will be posted on the DISTRICT website by 2:00 PM on Monday, September 19, 2022.
In the spirit of total transparency, the DISTRICT requires the VENDOR to include in their proposal a financial interest certification stating that no member of the team has had any financial interest or business relationship with the DISTRICT board members or staff. By submitting this certification, the VENDOR agrees to the posting of this information to the public through the proposal. Refer to Attachment 2.
The DISTRICT requires the VENDOR to provide document management and reproduction services for school project sites and the overall program in general. The schools and facilities in the DISTRICT are: Beverly Hills High School, Beverly Vista Middle School, El Rodeo School, Horace Mann Elementary School, Alternative Education Center, and the District Office. Services, as may be amended, will include the following:
• Web-based interface of reprographic services:
o Provide online capability to order plans and documents with distribution and delivery service.
o Capability of viewing, printing, maintaining, and organizing plans and documents online with a username and password determined by the DISTRICT and Program Manager.
o Ability to manage historic and current electronic plans and documents easily.
o Maintain a backup of all electronic data at a remote site in the event of a catastrophic loss at the primary site.
o VENDOR will be required to track all Contractors, Subcontractors, and Consultants through registration.
o Capability of viewing, printing, maintaining, and organizing plans and documents online with a username and password determined by the DISTRICT and Program Manager.
o Ability to manage historic and current electronic plans and documents easily.
o Maintain a backup of all electronic data at a remote site in the event of a catastrophic loss at the primary site.
o VENDOR will be required to track all Contractors, Subcontractors, and Consultants through registration.
• Reprographics services:
o Provide a full range of reprographics services including digital and hard copies, black and white and color for both large and small formats.
• The ability to scan and electronically store historic sets of plans to be maintained and accessible at all times.
• VENDOR must have the ability to provide monthly invoicing as follows:
o Monthly statements separated by project indicating amounts paid and outstanding balances.
o Invoices separated by project clearly delineating the unit cost, square footage, and extended cost by line with copies of the orders attached.
o Invoices separated by project clearly delineating the unit cost, square footage, and extended cost by line with copies of the orders attached.
• VENDOR must have pick-up and delivery services of all bid documents and addendums, and any other documentation for the DISTRICT and its consultants as part of the service agreement. The delivery services must cover the weekdays and Saturdays as requested by the DISTRICT and its consultants.
• Upon the completion of each project, the vendor shall submit to the District one (1) hard copy each of all the current documents and one (1) set electronically via large format share file link. Vendor to specify cost, if any, for delivering scanned copies electronically.
• Vendor may be required by the DISTRICT to archive electronic files transmitted by the DISTRICT or the Program Manager and to scan in existing hard copy drawings and archive the electronic files.
The DISTRICT understands that the technological scope requirements as mentioned above maybe advanced and not entirely attainable by some VENDOR. The inability of any VENDOR to meet any aforementioned scope requirement is not grounds for disqualification, but inabilities must be identified in the proposal submitted. The VENDOR with the best qualifications with regards to cost, scope, and services as determined solely by the DISTRICT will be recommended for award.
Submittal Requirements: The VENDOR is to provide one (1) electronic copy in PDF format of the proposal, electronically via email to Joy Jacobs, Bond Program Project Coordinator, [email protected], not later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 26, 2022, outlining the unit prices for each of the reprographics services as requested above.
The DISTRICT’s total budget for the bond program under measures “BH” and “E” is approximately $686 Million. This budget is inclusive of all costs and expenses including planning, coordination, design, construction, project management, testing/inspection, permits, consultant fees, etc.
In July 2022, the DISTRICT hired a Program Manager to oversee the execution of the Bond Program, and to manage the design and construction of the current and upcoming projects. Fonder-Salari, Inc. was selected as the Program Manager and will work from the DISTRICT offices in Beverly Hills.
The VENDOR shall be responsible for providing and maintaining all computer software, hardware, network interfaces and technical support necessary to maintain the storage capacity and fulfill the scope requirements herein.
Release of RFP: Thursday, September 8, 2022
RFP Questions / Clarifications Due: Thursday, September 15, 2022; 2:00 p.m.
Answers to RFP Questions / Clarifications: Monday, September 19, 2022; 2:00 p.m.
Proposal Due Date: Monday, September 26, 2022; 10:00 a.m.
Board of Education Approval: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Release of RFP: Thursday, September 8, 2022
RFP Questions / Clarifications Due: Thursday, September 15, 2022; 2:00 p.m.
Answers to RFP Questions / Clarifications: Monday, September 19, 2022; 2:00 p.m.
Proposal Due Date: Monday, September 26, 2022; 10:00 a.m.
Board of Education Approval: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Submit proposals electronically to:
Beverly Hills Unified School District
Construction & Facilities
Joy Jacobs, Bond Program Project Coordinator
[email protected]
Ref.: RFP No. FAC-2022-23-001
See attached for more information and a copy of the agreement and requirements.