Educational Services - Service Learning
BHUSD Kindergarten Service-Learning: PATH
Linking Service-Learning Projects to Academic Standards Service-Learning Project: Kindergarten Social Studies/Math, Helping the Homeless, 100th Day Contacts: P.A.T.H. (homeless shelter) 2346 Cotner Avenue West LA, CA 90064 (310) 996-0034 Denise Avchen (El Rodeo parent) Service to the Community: Human Needs Students will provide support to people who live in conditions of poverty Other Resources: Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen (DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan) * Connection to Character Education "The Beverly Hills Way" Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Citizenship **"Samples of Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Service-Learning Projects" in Curriculum & Assessment Guide Grade Level(s): Kindergarten Academic Focus: Social Studies Academic Content Standards:
K.1 Students demonstrate an understanding that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways
K.1.1 Follow rules of sharing and know consequences of breaking them. K.1.3. the beliefs and related behavior of characters in stories from times past, and the consequences of their actions Assessment/Reflections/Celebrations Suggested Assessments:
Students listen to the story Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen
Discuss themes of the story (heroes, how to help others); identify similar characteristics within students' community; generate ways the class can assist those in their community; predict the consequences of the group's plan. Academic Focus: Math Academic Content Standards
Number Sense
K.1.0 Students understand the relationship between numbers and quantities K.1.2 count, recognize, represent, name and order numbers using objects K.2.1 use concrete objects to determine the answers to addition and subtraction problems Algebra and Functions K.1. Students sort and classify objects. Problem Solving and Reasoning K.2.0 Students solve problems in reasonable ways and justify their reasoning K.2.1 explain the reasoning used with concrete objects and/or pictorial representations Assessment/Reflections/Celebrations Suggested Assessments:
For more suggestions see Performance Based Assessments, Reflections, and Celebrations pages.
Curricular Activity
For the 100th Day of school each student contributes to the class's collection of 100 coins, canned goods, tissue boxes, etc. Students count and sort items before donating them to P.A.T.H. (or other community agency) to provide a meal/need.